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Our goal: To promote clean and healthy beaches for local communities and to protect marine life

With the amount of plastic trash one can find on beaches today, it is easy to conclude that plastic has been around for a long time. But the truth is it hasn't even been a complete century since we started large-scale plastic production, using it in almost everything. And because of this, it is the most common type of litter found on beaches.


But what happens when the same pieces of plastic get washed into the oceans? They can end up stuck in marine animals such as turtles and birds, suffocating and in many cases eventually killing them. This is why with our Stewardship of Beaches campaign we aim to help our audience find local beach cleanups hosted by our allies so we can all help minimize the damage to marine ecosystems from plastic trash.     

Join a Beach Clean-up today!

Sign up to volunteer with one of our allies:


All One Ocean (California)

Hawaii Wildlife Fund (Hawaii)

One Ocean Diving (Hawaii)

Sustainable Coastlines (New Zealand)

United by Blue (USA)


or connect with your local community


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